How to Get Started
We are dedicated to providing you with personalized care to help you reach your health goals. Our on-boarding process is broken down into three main parts - consultation and exams, comprehensive review and results of tests, and initial treatments. Please do not hesitate to ask questions at any point during this process. We are here to serve you. Thank you for choosing us for your healthcare needs.
Health History
Our office staff will send you a personalized link to your email to fill out our extensive health history and onboarding forms at least 36 hours before your initial appointment. You can also pick up a paper copy in the office.
Initial Consultation and Exams
Part 1 includes the initial consultation; applied kinesiology and chiropractic structural exams; functional nutrition and food allergy analysis, neurological assessments, first structural treatment; and/or other necessary tests. Candidacy for neurofeedback therapy is also determined at this visit.
Please answer all of the questions on your intake forms thoroughly at least three days before your appointment and bring them with you to your initial exam if you did not fill them out online. It is advisable to arrive 15 minutes early to your initial appointment if you have pre-filled out the forms. Please bring a photo ID and copy of your insurance card to this appointment. If you are intending to fill out the paperwork in the clinic, please allow yourself 45 minutes prior to your appointment to complete them. Please feel free to wear comfortable clothing and shoes during your appointments.
Do not consume any nutritional supplements the day of your appointment.
Also, we ask that you bring any medications and/or nutritional supplements (vitamins, herbs, oils, etc.) you deem necessary in your health routine, as well as any previous laboratory testing results that you have access to from other healthcare providers. Out of respect for those patients who may be sensitive to diverse odors or chemicals, we also ask that you refrain from wearing any perfumes or colognes for your appointments in any of the NKC Health clinics.
Initial EEG & Brain Mapping
Our chiropractic assistants and highly trained neurotechs use Electroencephalogram (EEG) technology through leads (aka sensors placed on the skin of the head) to determine baseline brain activity in different lobes and locations of the brain. Together with Dr. Martenson's review and assessment, we identify unhealthy patterns and imbalances in activity and put together a series of brain trainings to help you reach your optimal self.
Results of Tests
Part 2 includes a comprehensive review of the results of tests communication, functional nutrition recommendations, and treatment protocol recommendations and potential timelines and costs for all therapies. You'll get the full picture of exactly where you're at and what we can help you accomplish in your health journey.
Start Treatment Protocols
Part 3 includes a structural treatment and a comprehensive review of the neurological reset and neurofeedback therapies and/or initial treatment(s). Neurofeedback trainings are scheduled on a separate schedule prior to being seen by Dr. Martenson directly for optimization of the neurological techniques.